You mean you need our bank to offer you a loan for working capital? 您是说您要我们银行提供流动资金贷款?
The other is a loan to provide capital& often to set the farmer up in business by enabling him to buy the farm itself or a mule or tractor, or all three. 另一类贷款是为农民立业提供资金&让他们买得起农场本身、或者一部小拖拉机、或者一辆大牵引车、或者所有这些东西。
No part of our share or loan capital is listed on or dealt in on any other stock exchange and no such listing or permission to deal is being or proposed to be sought in the near future. 我方持有的股份或者借贷资本并未上市或者在其他股票交易场所交易,我方也不会在近期安排或者提议安排该等股份或者资本上市或者获得批准交易。
In 1986 the state set up the help-the-poor discount-interest loan and capital for providing employment as a form of relief, of which a large proportion was used in minority areas. 1986年,国家设扶贫贴息贷款和以工代赈资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。
Or in respect of any redeemable loan capital issued by the company. 或指该公司所发行任何可赎回借贷资本的债权人。
The UK high street banks are in effect an oligopoly that provides the loan capital to industry that in turn creates the wealth and jobs that keep the country going. 英国商业银行实际上处于一种垄断地位,它们为产业提供借贷资本,而这些产业则创造出维持国家运行的财富和就业机会。
Provide guarantee for the loan of flow capital of the enterprises in the Park. 为进园企业的流动资金贷款提供信用担保。
Free limit [ IBRD]: The limit on a free-limit loan. capital subscription [ IBRD] 自由限额[国际复兴开发银行]:对自由发放的贷款的限度。
In accountant solid wu, capital of the loan of financial capital and receivable money, finance reduces a cost these two are medium, when receiving loan interest income, accountant processing differs somewhat, it is respectively: 1. 在会计实务中,金融资产的贷款和应收款项、金融资产减值这两节中,在收到贷款利息收入时,会计处理有所不同,分别是:1。
The concrete content of enterprise credit asset management is that after cash budget management, strengthen management of commercial credit, loan, and capital credit. 企业信用资产管理的具体内容就是在加强现金预算管理的前提下,加强企业对商业信用的管理,加强企业对银行贷款的管理,加强企业对资本性借款的管理。
But the two kinds of theories have some communications with each other, for example, they both say mar-ket interest rate is decided by loan capital, they both say interest rate has function of economic variable. 但两种理论在市场利率由借贷资金决定和调节,利率具有经济变量功能等方面,又具有某些相通之处。
Through this article research we discovered northeast old industrial base enterprise financing channel sole, relying on strongly to the bank loan, unreasonable capital structure, in particular high long term loan proportion, which caused the enterprise interest burden to be heavy and the achievement drops unceasingly. 通过研究发现东北老工业基地企业融资渠道单一,对银行贷款依赖性强,资本结构不合理,尤其是长期贷款比例偏高,导致了企业利息负担沉重、业绩不断下降的问题。
This paper tests the management of credit risk of bank through the loan sales affects capital structure, profits and risk. The author finds that banks can reduce the pressure of capital restrict and liquidity by both buying and selling loans for risk management purposes. 银行的贷款买卖行为能够影响资本结构、利润和风险,买卖贷款可以减轻资本约束压力和流动性压力,以实现风险管理的目的。
Because of malpractice at loan cost capital, loan cost must be costed or increased. 借款费用资本化存在种种弊端,因此,借款费用宜费用化或递延化。
Starting with capital classification, the thesis classifies the business capital into two main categories: equity capital and loan capital. 从研究资本分类入手,将资本主要分为自有资本和借入资本两部分。
For one thing, it could change the situation that commercial bank loan capital to enterprises only, and reduce the risk causing by industrial factors; 一方面可改变银行把资金一味贷给企业的做法,降低由产业因素导致的风险;
Three lines of defenses should be set up in the bank risk-management, which are loss loan provisioning, capital adequacy and deposit insurance. A risk evaluation frame in the bank based on VaR should be founded to match the capital and risk more accurately. 商业银行的风险管理应建立呆帐准备金、资本充足率、存款保险制度三道防线,在商业银行内部需要建立以VaR为基础的风险评估框架模型,使资本和风险匹配更加精确。
The Origin and Structure of the Loan Capital of Rural Cooperatives in China in the 1920-1930's 二三十年代农村合作社借贷资金的构成及其来源&20世纪前期中国乡村社会变迁研究
As to the loan of capital of road construction, the most average way to guarantee is to pledge the right of excising highway toll. 在公路建设资金贷款实践中,最常见的担保方式是公路收费权质押。
By the analysis and research of the loan capital of Socialization system, efficiency of the loan capital was also described. 通过对社会主义制度下的借贷资本分析,看借贷资本的效能。
House mortgage loan reduces financial capital quality because of its occupying capital very long, its risk in interest, big gap between house price and residents 'income and weak ability in payment. 住房抵押贷款占用银行资金期限长、利率风险大,房价与居民收入比差悬殊,居民还贷能力差,因而降低了金融资产质量。
Study on the Loan Capital of Socialization System 社会主义制度下的借贷资本研究
It not only had obvious effects about capital management efficiency and risk control efficiency, but also modified non-performing loan ratio and capital adequacy ratio notably. 对资本管理效率和风险控制效率作用明显,显著提高了资本充足率和降低了不良贷款率。
Microfinance is a special form of credit to provide direct loan capital and the comprehensive technology services to poverty-stricken population in a certain region, according to specific objectives and particular institutional arrangements. 小额信贷(microfinance)是在一定区域内,在特定的制度安排下,按特定的目标向贫困人口直接提供贷款资金及综合技术服务的一种特殊的信贷方式。
The SEO/ capital, SEO/ sales, loan/ capital, and loan/ sales ratios of large enterprises are higher than those of SMEs. 4. 大企业在现金增资、银行融资占资本额及销售额比率均较中小企业为高。
In the process of forest rights mortgage, forest rights to the assessed value of authenticity, is directly related to the loan amount and capital security. 在林权抵押贷款过程中,林权评估价值的真实性,直接关系到放款额度和资金安全。
The second part of the empirical analysis is to find out whether the increase of influence of local listed corporation leads to the local governments 'support through affecting the price of loan capital. 第二部分实证检验了地方上市公司对地方经济的影响力的增加,是否导致地方政府通过影响信贷资金价格支持上市公司的发展。
Set up a sound financial management system; strengthen the real estate investment fund management; strengthen the supervision and management of late loan capital. 建立健全财务管理制度,加强房地产投资的资金管理,加强贷款资金的后期监督管理以规避项目面临的资金管理风险。